Jeff Flowerday;576958 Wrote: 
> When I start squeezecast and put in the back ground (don't play
> anything), then switch to iPeng to control it.  As soon as I choose
> squeezecast in iPeng, squeezecast loses it's connection and eventually
> disappears from the player list in iPeng.
As I said: you have to play something first. SqueezeCast becomes
supended when it's in the background and not playing, it's a SC issue,
I did already talk to the author about it, hopefully he'll find a fix.
It disappears because it doesn't respond. The server only notices this
when it tries to communicate to SC (or after a timeout).

Play something from SC and you can then control it from iPeng.
> If I control squeezecast via squeezecenter website all is fine.

not if you put it in the background.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at
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