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Question: Are you interested in IR-over-IP?
- Yes, I'd like to have IRoIP.
- No, I don't care.

Hi All,

Version 0.95 is nearing completion with some exciting new features!  I
thought I would give everyone a sneak preview of what I have been doing
before I release it:

- French translation included (thanks sg2).

- Popup title display glitch has been fixed.

- Bug whereby SqueezeIR would crash if it was started when SBS was not
available has been fixed.

- New option to enable/disable SqueezeIR's control of the physical
buttons to allow you to regain control of your player (SqueezeIR menus
alwayes remain enabled.

- Hotkey function has been changed to enable by pressing or disable by
holding the buttons as above.  The old hotkey function can be assigned
to any key using the standard SqueezeIR xml like this:

  <key ID="BACK"> <!-- make this whatever you want -->
  <event ID="PRESS">
  <target>My Menu</target> <!-- menu ID of choice -->
  <event ID="HOLD">

- Tweaked to work with desktop squeezeplay.  Useful for testing as the
desktop log files are easier to get to.  Useless for sending IR codes

- Now the big one! Following a successful config update from SBS, the
files are cached to the controller so that you can still use SqueezeIR
even if your SBS box is turned off!  Unsuccessful updates are loaded
into memory but are not cached.  There is an option to reload from
cache to roll-back the controller to the last successful update (does
not affect the files on the server though).

I do need some input from you guys though!  I have add to add some new
strings so I need some translations please.  The new strings.txt
(english only at the moment) is attached.  Please have a look and pm me
your translations for inclusion in the next release.

Still to do:


|Filename: strings.txt                                              |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=11161|

indifference_engine's Profile: 
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=79524

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