bpa;639412 Wrote: 
> Time to get a bit more methodical.
> If missing libraries are the issue then Windows will note the problem
> in the Windows Event log as a "SideBySide (SxS)".
> Can you check your event log and get the details of the event message
> as it may indicate which specific libraries are missing.

Thanks! Now that might just be a bit too methodical for my skill!!

Before we go there, does the output from the console below mean faad is
running? I got the banner to display, but the aac file will not play.

OGG may be a problem too - I cannot play D-Dur.

You are very patient with me.


C:\Program Files
*********** Ahead Software MPEG-4 AAC Decoder V2.7 ******************

Patched for Squeezebox Server:
* ALAC decoder integrated
* Seeking support with -j and -e switches
* STDIN support
* Source at

Build: Apr 15 2010
Copyright 2002-2004: Ahead Software AG
Floating point version

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License.


faad [options] infile.aac
-h    Shows this help screen.
-i    Shows info about the input file.
-a X  Write MPEG-4 AAC ADTS output file.
-t    Assume old ADTS format.
-o X  Set output filename.
-f X  Set output format. Valid values for X are:
1:  Microsoft WAV format (default).
2:  RAW PCM data.
-b X  Set output sample format. Valid values for X are:
1:  16 bit PCM data (default).
2:  24 bit PCM data.
3:  32 bit PCM data.
4:  32 bit floating point data.
5:  64 bit floating point data.
-s X  Force the samplerate to X (for RAW files).
-l X  Set object type. Supported object types:
1:  Main object type.
2:  LC (Low Complexity) object type.
4:  LTP (Long Term Prediction) object type.
23: LD (Low Delay) object type.
-d    Down matrix 5.1 to 2 channels
-w    Write output to stdio instead of a file.
-g    Disable gapless decoding.
-q    Quiet - suppresses status messages.
-j X  Jump - start output X seconds into track (MP4 files only).
-e X  End  - end output X seconds into track (MP4 files only).
faad infile.aac
faad infile.mp4
faad -o outfile.wav infile.aac
faad -w infile.aac > outfile.wav
faad -a outfile.aac infile.aac

C:\Program Files (x86)\Squeezebox\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread>



In Southampton: Quad 77 Integrated Amp  - AVI Neutron 4
In Nicosia: Quad 405-2 refurbished by 405man - Quart 980s German Tower
Loudspeakers. Boom in conservatory.
In both: Squeezebox Classic, Beresford Caiman DAC, Sony MDR-F1
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