PasTim;650487 Wrote: 
> I confess to being a little confused.  I have always run with the 1st
> two Custom Scan 'refresh' options turned off.  I had assumed these were
> for scanning.  I had not appreciated that a refresh was something
> different.  
Synchronize the contents in Custom Scan database tables with the
standard tables used by SBS. Primarily this is needed if you have
renamed or moved some track or performed a full rescan in SBS.

The goal is that the refresh should take maximum a few seconds, so
there shouldn't be any problems to do it at SBS startup and after a SBS
rescan. Refresh at startup is activated through the "Startup refresh"
option and refresh after rescan is activated through the "Rescan
refresh" option.

Nothing else can be done by the server while the refresh operation
executes, so this can disturb music but should only do so during a few
seconds and the hardware players usually have enough audio buffer to
handle that without disrupting the sound.

Performs a rescan where it:
- Deletes existing Custom Scan data from database
- Reads tags from all music files
- Write the tag data back to Custom Scan tables in the database

The rescan usually takes a long time since it currently needs to go
through the complete library. 

With the "Rescan refresh" option, you will configure Custom Scan to
start by doing a "Refresh" and then continue to do a rescan when a
rescan is triggered, a rescan can be triggered:
- Manually through Custom Scan settings page by clicking the scan
- Automatically after a SBS rescan if the "Automatic rescan" option is
enabled in Custom Scan.

The rescan operation is performed in the background and the intention
is that it shouldn't disturb music, the exception is the "Mixed Tag"
scanning module which runs at the end and usually is fairly quick.
However, 7.6 seems to be more aggressive to execute background work so
due to this the scanning process itself might disturb music in 7.6. The
solution to this is to rewrite the scanning logic in Custom Scan to use
the new scanner API which is available in 7.6, but this is a bit of
work to do as I've mentioned earlier so I'm not sure exactly when it
will happen. If I get the time and inspiration I might take a look at
it fairly soon, at least to see how much work it is, with the new
scanning API it should be possible to also support incremental scanning
which means that the "rescan" part of the process will be very quick if
you just have added/updated/deleted a few tracks.

PasTim;650487 Wrote: 
> I have now turned them on.  
> I stopped & restarted SB - no Custom Scan message.  I checked I had
> saved the options.  I had.  I rebooted the PC (which restarts SB as a
> service).  Still no Custom Scan messages.
> Why there is no log message I don't know.  Do you want me to turn on
> more logging?
They should be logged if the "plugin.customscan" logging point has been
configured to log warning (or info or debug) in SBS

Is this the case ?

PasTim;650487 Wrote: 
> I tried using one of the menus that I reported elsewhere as being slow
> first time.  They were quick enough (10 seconds, not 60 or more).
> So maybe I now understand what a 'refresh' is - it reads the tags so
> that it can respond to requests quickly.
I don't think the refresh operation currently will affect performance,
it's more about making sure the Custom Scan and standard SBS data is in


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