socistep;662586 Wrote: 
> Hi Erland
> Hoping you can point me in the right direction!
> I have just moved to a new server and a new version of SBS, I heavily
> use trackstat ratings and then dynamic playlists from that. Previously
> on my old server, I disabled the auto production of Trackstat Rating
> 1-5.m3u when I rate a song, I then had these generated once nightly - I
> have searched settings and can't work out how/where I did this, can you
> advise?
> thanks in advance
> Ian

The "Trackstat Rating x" playlists are generated by the "TrackStat
Playlist" plugin, its settings are found under "TrackStat Playlist
Export" module in the Custom Scan plugin settings page.

The only way I can figure out to trigger it once per day is to make
sure to uncheck its "Continously write to playlists" option and check
its "Include in automatic scans and "Scan All"" option and configure
SBS to perform a rescan once a day. The SBS rescan should trigger the
"TrackStat Playlist Export" module to run as long as the "Include in
automatic scans and "Scan All"" option for it has been enabled.


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