erland;663201 Wrote: 
> Just to confirm your suspicions, TrackStat and also peterw's PlayLog
> plugin keeps track of the history of played tracks but none of them
> keep track of the history of played playlists as far as I know.
> Theoretically, it would be possible to create a list of the playlists
> which the songs played is part of based on the TrackStat data, but
> since a song can be part of multiple playlists I suspect this isn't
> exactly what you want.
You are right that is not exactly what I am looking for.

erland;663201 Wrote: 
>  Another question is if it's important to keep track of how the playlist
> looked like when it was played or if it's only important to keep track
> of which playlist that was played while its content would be the latest
> version of the playlist ?
> For example, if I have "Playlist 1", play it and then a bit later add a
> new track to it and play it again. Do you only need this to be
> represented as if "Playlist 1" has been played twice or do you also
> need to see how it looked like each time it was played for it to be
> useful ?
It certainly would be great to at least have the option (default
behaviour) of the order being the same. If one accidentally deletes the
active playlist by pressing play to a single track, it would be nice to
get the playlist back in its original form. Perhaps this requires
additional data to be saved by TrackStat?

erland;663201 Wrote: 
> A third question, what about the scenario where you play "Playlist 1",
> stop the music and do something else and then later play "Playlist 1"
> again, should this be represented as two entries in the history or just
> a single entry ?
You are of course right that defining "an active playlist" exactly is
not straightforward. In your example I would say that it would make
most sense to define it as one list (not two). The best definition of
the playlist to store I can think of is: "the last version of the
active playlist before it was deleted". By deleted I mean either
replaced entirely by a predefined (named) playlist or replaced by an
album, track or selection of tracks.
As far as I can see TrackStat (or some other plugin) would have to save
data about active playlists at the time a playlist is deleted (in the
sense I described above). This information would be: TrackID and Track
order. I have no idea of how to implement this with the DB-info in SBS.
Also, I don't know if it is possible to store data at the time an active
playlist is deleted.
To me it seems to be not so easy, but I'd love the functionality :-)


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