MP3, WMA and AAC are different ways audio is converted into a data
stream.  HTTP and Flash are different transport mechanisms to move the
audoi data stream from Station to player.

For HTTP streams, the SB3 can play MP3, WMA natively but needs AAC
streams to be transcoded. The SB Radio can play MP3, WMA and AAC

Flash stream needs support in SBS server or Triode's Applet for Touch
or Radio.  To get your system working please do not use Flash stream as
it adds an extra layer of complexity to the current problem.

When a stream is played natively the stream will go direct from station
to the player.  When a stream is being transcoded the stream will go
from Station to SBS where it is converted into Flac and then Flac
streram goes from SBS to player.

It's good that the WMA stream play OK for both players.  

Can you check WebUI Settings/Advanced/Filetype - under the FileFormat
"AAC" - what values are set for the 4 settings  - AAC, Flac, MP3 and

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