bluebell;674142 Wrote: 
> I have no problem paying for software I like. I'd pay up to 10 USD for
> an Open Source SuperDateTime (or a similar weather report) that works
> on my Squeezebox Touch. But I dislike "licensing"-software or "license
> keys" because it always means Closed Source with all its implications.
> I cannot imagine license enforcing software that is Open Source.
I think you need a little more Open Mind, and then start imagining.
licensing != closed source.  Erland's plugins and applets are still
open source. The code is there for anyone to see, modify, and
redistribute. Take a look here:

But if you still think that licensing is a boogeyman, as an alternative
you may want to check out Bluegaspode's weather applet for the Touch. I
don't like it as much as SDT, but it is still free of charge.

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