mherger wrote: 
> > Would it be possible to have the blender on other UI such as iPeng ?
> Sure. Would need to be a new implementation though :-).
> The current implementation is a web page which would run on an iPad too.
> But it's pretty heavy and not optimized for touch UI at all. To make it 
> usable it would need to be re-implemented I guess. I considered it a
> geek  
> tool which would be used by those interested in tweaking some custom  
> recipes... But not something I'd use in my everyday listening.
> A few options are available from the context menu while a mix is
> playing.  
> But it's by far not complete.
My guess is that most users will be happy by creating recipes via web
interface and later use them.
However, something that would be useful is to be able to setup a created
recipe as a favorite, because that would also make it possible to launch
it from an alarm.

mherger wrote: 
> > You play an normal album ,then you just leave it and smartmix would
> pick
> > up and continue with similar stuff ?
> The plugin kicking in whenever the playlist otherwise would stop?  
> Interesting idea...
Just don't make it default or at least offer the possibility to disable
it, because some people are going to want to use the fact that the music
stops as a sign that it's time to select another album.
I think I would prefer to have an option to manually tell SmartMix to
continue adding tracks based on last track or last album when the
current playlist reaches its end.

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