MDE wrote: 
> I have just been spending a bit more time getting to learn how to use
> Muso. For classical music fans, it really is the best (Windows) software
> I've seen. For the first time in a long time, a piece of software made
> me laugh (with joy) when I discovered the "group tracks" feature. Having
> ripped a load of CD's and used the name of the work as part of the title
> of each track, this now gives me a great display of the album. In
> addition, for multi-CD sets, I have now worked out how to group the CD's
> into one album, so now I can see works grouped within CDs within albums.
> Now the display looks just like it is on the CD insert (you would have
> thought this would be an obvious requirement, but most software only
> contemplates tracks within (single CD) albums!). Hurrah! So happy, I
> have whizzed off my 20 Euros straight away. Just one question relating
> to this: how are the "track groups" stored? I assume that the original
> music file and LMS db are unchanged and that Muso holds some "meta-data"
> somewhere, in which case is there a risk of losing it on clearing and
> re-loading the database (I have had to do this once as it seemed to fail
> to pick up some changes in the normal LMS sync)? Also, once the software
> is in a reasonably mature state, perhaps a little more user
> documentation would help people get the best out of it quicker?
> Many thanks.

Indeed, the CD insert appearance was what I was going for, with tracks
grouped by work (via Group Heading) with a nice title above, and the
track-listing also divided by disks if the meta-data includes this. If
you input Group Header in Muso it doesn't get stored anywhere else (in
track tags or pushed to LMS) so you do run the risk of losing this
metadata if you are prone to clearing your database regularly. For me my
muso database IS my master though so I never do this - the LMS database
is secondary (I'm much more likely to clear this). However, the Group
Heading CAN be fed from any custom tag on an LMS synch, so you can adopt
the approach of defining these in your track's embedded tags,
configuring them in the LMS custom tag plugin and pulling these across
to Muso (into Group Heading). If there was a standard embedded tag ID
for this I could also read it from a file-scan, but this isn't there

I do think we need to start a wiki on muso - anyone know how/where to
set up a free one? I'd start it, but would allow contributions from key
users also.

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