jezbo wrote: 
> Indeed, the CD insert appearance was what I was going for, with tracks
> grouped by work (via Group Heading) with a nice title above, and the
> track-listing also divided by disks if the meta-data includes this. If
> you input Group Header in Muso it doesn't get stored anywhere else (in
> track tags or pushed to LMS) so you do run the risk of losing this
> metadata if you are prone to clearing your database regularly. For me my
> muso database IS my master though so I never do this - the LMS database
> is secondary (I'm much more likely to clear this). However, the Group
> Heading CAN be fed from any custom tag on an LMS synch, so you can adopt
> the approach of defining these in your track's embedded tags,
> configuring them in the LMS custom tag plugin and pulling these across
> to Muso (into Group Heading). If there was a standard embedded tag ID
> for this I could also read it from a file-scan, but this isn't there
> yet.

I have mapped my "Opus" custom tag to groupheading and that works fine,
except that, because each of my tracks is structured like this - "Opus :
Movement", Muso recognises Opus as the group heading and correctly
removes it from the title, but it leaves the colon mark at the beginning
of the title (movement). If I set the groupheading within Muso rather
than mapping it , then the colon disappears and everything looks OK.
Another slight niggle is that the group heading doesn't seem to appear
in the edit tracks listing. My Opus field is listed, but some way off to
the right and there is no way I can see of re-ordering the columns.

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