Genius! From some (very limited) testing, it seems to be working!

So FYI (and anyone else who is interested), I'm running a Model B
Raspberry Pi (512Mb) with Raspbmc RC5 (built 20121231) as its OS. I use
it mainly hooked up over HDMI to my receiver/speakers/TV for playing HD
video via XBMC...

Now I also have LMS installed on top of Raspbmc as per the instructions
here (they are for Raspbian, but work equally well with Raspbmc): your testing repo + plugin - the iPlayer one works great too!

I have changed the LMS CLI port to 9099 and the Spotify Helper App port
to 9010 to avoid conflicts with some others that XBMC is listening

Together with this, I also have Squeezelite installed on the Pi
(although I have to use a USB DAC to output sound from the 3.5mm jack
since ALSA appears to conflict with the audio output in XBMC if you try
to output simultaneously over HDMI)

All my media is coming off a USB-connected external HD and everything
seems to be playing nicely together! I can flick between playing video
with XBMC and streaming audio through the LMS (including Spotify now)
without having to manually start/restart any services/programs etc. No
doubt I've missed a gremlin that might appear later on - we'll see!

I've had LMS streaming different audio simultaneously (Spotify and
iPlayer radio) to both its local squeezelite endpoint plus a Squeezebox
Radio in another room without a hiccup and even synchronization seems to
be working too!

Many thanks for supplying this HF-compatible version - LMS obviously
isn't quite as speedy serving from the Pi as a "proper" computer but
it's definitely usable. The ability to use Spotify and remote-control it
in different rooms all running off the Pi with the noticeable
performance boost that HF gives is a godsend!

Cheers again!

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