Triode wrote: 
> You are hitting the rate limiting which is built into the plugin to
> avoid too many requests to spotify.   Can you check whether every time
> it slow down you see the "rate limit" entry in the log?  If so how much
> browsing are you doing to get to this point - you are the first person
> who has complained of getting to it. [I had a request from spotify to
> add some rate limiting - perhaps it is too agressive...]  The current
> rate limiting should require high numbers of requests over 5 minutes
> before it kicks in - it will reset if you don't make many requests for 5
> mins.

yes, I did the same again and got again the rate limit :-( :-)

I guess my appetite for discovering new pieces of music got me into

Search for 'Haydn' (+2000 albums) or 'Beethoven'  this will yield many
albums, so I page through the different pages and play some tracks to
check out the music on the album. Then I most often refine/narrow the
search by adding extra words the the search phrase to get multiple
albums of the same piece of music, 'Haydn Paris Symphonies'. Doing this
for a few minutes and it slows down.

I preferably used your plugin to browse composers work available as
until recently the search results of the Spotify Desktop Client only
gave very limited results (where yours gave the full list). Spotify
recently improved on that but I rather listen to tracks via my LMS &
stereo-set than the lame speakers of my PC.

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