12.yakir wrote: 
> Thanks for the reply!
> 1. OK, I'll uninstall the plugin and try to install it again form the
> LMS plugin tab (although it looks like everything except the actual
> streaming works).
If it looks ok and you can see that the aplay is running - then leave
> 2. I don't think I need to use PulseAudio, especially if that's what's
> hindering me form using this... I'll look into how I "remove" PulseAudio
> (if that's going to help).
Slow down.
Are you experienced with Linux ?  Did you make a conscious choice to
have Pulse audio or did you stick with defaults.  On some system
Pulseaudio is tied into other applications and so may break your
If not experienced and are using defaults - then there are a few things
you can try to get the plugin to work with Pulseaudio.

The most likely reason for failing  is permissions. 
Is LMS running as a service under its own userid or is it running in
foreground under your own  id ?
If LMS is running as a service, then you are trying to copy audio
(managed bny Pulseaudio server)  belonging to one user (i.e you) and get
it copied to another user (i.e. LMS).  This won't work if Pulseaudio is
being run on a "per-user" mode and it needs to be set up to run as a
"system" mode.  IIRC Then you have to add you own user id and LMS user
id to the user group pulse-access. Then reboot to have all the changes
take effect.

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