A search for Genesis albums lookes fairly tidy: http://www.discogs.com/artist/Genesis#per=500&p=1&t=Releases_Albums

Yes, their web representation is looking good. How they get there, I don't know. Because I have yet to find an API call which would give me the same results.

Could stick to just albums to start with, and perhaps extend out to a structure like that offered on the left-hand side of www.discog.com:

The problem with the API is that you can't define exactly what type of release you want. It's possible for releases, but then you would get eg. dupes due to different countries. They have the concept of "release-groups", too, where these country specific releases would be grouped into one main release. But in this query you don't have all the filter methods available. Therefore I'd have to filter on my side. Which requires me to request tons of information I eventually wouldn't need. And as results usually are limited to 100 items, I'd have to run multiple release-group requests to just get the 20 or 30 "official" Peter Gabriel albums.


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