about 30" to a minute to do just about anything when using via the
plugin. Slimserver runs on a QNAP TQ-109. This is pretty old, but works
fine with a Duet as streaming device. When doing a Qobuz search, the NAS
CPU gets close to 100% for a while, before the response comes back. The
slimserver log occasionnally shows a time-out.

It works fine streaming local resources as the hard tasks are done at scan times. But when dealing with Qobuz it has to fetch XML/JSON data structures with hundreds of items, parse that data, store some of it locally in the cache etc. There is much more processing involved than with any of the built-in functionality (besides scanning), as it doesn't rely on mysb.com to do the heavy lifting.

I run a quick test with "lou reed" vs. "lou reed berlin": the former would return 550kB of data to be processed (200 tracks, 164 albums, 15 artists), while adding berlin to the search term reduces this to 32kB (14 tracks, 4 albums, 0 artists). Little surprise a machine with 500MHz and 128MB RAM feels the difference :-).

In order to exclude network issues, which I almost had done already,
since the iPad works fine on the same network, I installed slimserver on

Keep in mind that the iPad app probably uses a different API than the one publicly available. And even the oldest iPad has much more powerful hardware than your NAS.

THis time, when launching Qobuz from the slimserver web page, I have no
response at all. In the log I see the following message :

[13-11-20 09:22:13.7438] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (147)
Error: Select task failed calling Slim::Web::HTTP::processHTTP: Can't
call method "string" on an undefined value at
line 84.
; fh=Slim::Web::HTTP::ClientConn=GLOB(0xa521184)

any idea ?

Oops... will fix that. Until then just make sure you have a player connected to that LMS, and the error should go away.


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