get.amped wrote: 
> 1) I finally found the "New Music" selection in the Search bar. I
> expected to find it in "Music Library" as that is where it is in the
> Default interface. Now that I know it's there, no issues, but I
> originally thought it simply wasn't implemented.
The logic for me is that you search for new music, so I put it there...

> 2) I accidentally clicked on one of the Column headings in "New Music"
> and can't see any way to restore the original order. Usually I just want
> to see them in the order they were added to the library. 
You can reset all column sort prefs with "Reset application state"

> I do like being able to use the slider to specify how many to retrieve.
> But I was surprised that it limited me to 300 since the "New Music
> Limit" in my server preferences is set to 1000. The max of 300 came back
> almost immediately.
tbh, it's just an arbitrary limit - I didn't expect anyone to be
interested in more than 300. I can increase it for the next version.

> 3) I know you have specifically not been implementing support for other
> 3rd party plugins, but if you do :rolleyes: I'd like to have access to
> erland's song lyrics. Almost none of my files are tagged with lyrics but
> that plugin is pretty good at finding them, at least for better known
> songs.
Actually, plugins mostly are supported - but not those with their own
web interface (so e.g. server power control works well, Music and Artist
Info doesn't (that's why I did the integration) ). Basically, if it
works on the Controller or the Touch, it probably will work here as

> 4) After reading through the whole thread, I know how to manage the
> playlist, but I find the drag and drop approach to be less accessible
> than the control buttons that appear when hovering over a selection in
> the Default interface.
While I admit it's not terribly intuitive, one major requirement for me
was to enable mass operations (e.g. add/remove/rate several
albums/artists/tracks) from all panels (left (info displays, search,
....) and right (playlist)). So it's either adding context menus
(add/remove/rate/...) to every single item in all panels, or D&D...

> I've got about 2200 compilation (Various Artists) titles in my library
> and I decide to do some listening of them yesterday since I tend to
> forget about them. After putting a few in the playlist using the Default
> web interface I thought I'd see what I could with extGUI4LMS. And it
> turns out...nothing. AFAICT, there is no way to access those albums as a
> group since the search function won't return any results for "Various
> Artists." I'm not even sure what the solution would be considering the
> approach you are using.
I't not quite sure if I follow. You can find "Various Artists" in Music
Library/Artists, like in the default web UI. What else would you

> I really like being able to see the other image files in the album
> directory. I think it was noted earlier in the thread that they are
> duplicated in the list, but that is a distraction, not a major problem.
Unfortunately, I can't reproduce it, and the person reporting it wasn't
willing to support me in fixing it.

> The suggestion is that you add that same context menu to lists of albums
> in the left pane as well. I find that I'm at least as likely to be
> looking at information about the *next* selection as the current one.
Well, it works on any track in the playlist, so you can get the images
for every album scheduled to play.
tbh, I thought about adding an album context menu, but never really was
that motivated to do it just for one entry...

> And are the Artist Information and Album Information items in the
> context menu supposed to do something? I don't see any change in the
> interface when I select either of them.
These entries are actually added by the Music and Artist Info plugin,
and therefore don't work (see above - but you get most of the info via
the MAI integration anyway). However, I specifically added the
functionality that plugins can extend the context menu (like in the
default web ui) to support plugins like SmartMix (enabling the user to
start the mix from the current track, and change the mix parameters),
where it works quite well.

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