Morbeas wrote: 
> My 3-tap suggestion was just that; a suggestion. Whatever your
> implementation (if ever), it'll suit me just fine as long as I can rate
> from 1-10.
> I'll check back again in another month or two (sorry, Mr. Smith).  ;)
> Thanks as always.

I'm kinda with Owen on this one, especially since there already is a way
to rate tracks 1-10 in iPeng -- it's just not as convenient as you would
like, but it certainly works. You acknowledged as much in 'post 5630'
If there weren't a way to use a 10 point scale for rating in iPeng, then
I could see the validity of bringing of the issue every few (four to
six) months, but given that there is I'd prefer to see Pippin focus on
other more innovative features. And I'm speaking as someone who uses the
10 point scale and rates a lot of songs using iPeng.

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