Hi Triode; all;
can I highlight another thread from me to you?
I have this odd problem that after a re-setup of LMS on my Joggler (open
peak device) your plugin won't install anymore (and only your plugin)
Once I select your plugin to be installed and stop / start LMS, your
plugin is listed as 'an update is available' (but only there and not in
the installed plugin list).
If I mark it to be updated and I restart LMS again (or the entire
server), it still is not installed and still shows up as 'to be
This happens with LMS 7.8 and 7.9
1st I though it has something to do with using backup prefs but even w/o
touching the prefs the same bahavior shows up.
The only difference to my old system is the Ubuntu version underneath:
now Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS (Trusty) with Kernel 3.14

For details see:
(User Forums -> Logitech Media Server -> Need an idiots guide to setup
new LMS with settigns from old system)

Do you have any ideas?

All the best;

P.S: Joggler and new Ubuntu stuff comes from this forum:

My system:
LMS 7.8 on modded Open Peak Joggler running Roobarbs SqueezePlay OS.
1 x Slimp3
5 x Squeezebox Classic
1 x Controller
2 x Squeeze Commander (on 2 rooted Nook Touch e-reader)
X x Squeezeplay on various PC's & Laptops
slimhase's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=31958
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=79706

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