slimhase wrote: 
> Hi Triode; all;
> can I highlight another thread from me to you?
> I have this odd problem that after a re-setup of LMS on my Joggler (open
> peak device) your plugin won't install anymore (and only your plugin)
> Once I select your plugin to be installed and stop / start LMS, your
> plugin is listed as 'an update is available' (but only there and not in
> the installed plugin list).
> If I mark it to be updated and I restart LMS again (or the entire
> server), it still is not installed and still shows up as 'to be
> updated'.
> This happens with LMS 7.8 and 7.9
> 1st I though it has something to do with using backup prefs but even w/o
> touching the prefs the same bahavior shows up.
> The only difference to my old system is the Ubuntu version underneath:
> now Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS (Trusty) with Kernel 3.14
> For details see:
> (User Forums -> Logitech Media Server -> Need an idiots guide to setup
> new LMS with settigns from old system)
> Do you have any ideas?
> All the best;
> Heiner
> P.S: Joggler and new Ubuntu stuff comes from this forum:

Suggest you enable server.plugins and plugin.extensions debugging and
set the option to maintain debugging on server restart.  Then restart
the server and look for error messages in the log related to plugin

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