I saw offline mode was briefly discussed in 'this thread'
last year. I've been looking to see if it was ever implemented?

In the thread above Triode asked why someone would need it? Well my use
case is on a sailing boat, which often has zero internet access. I was
hoping to have an onboard LMS with two Slimclients on headless devices,
playing the saloon and in the cockpit simultaneously (synchronised).
Offline mode (rather than minimised network access) would be essential
for a lot of the time - there's no phone coverage more than a mile or
two offshore...

If this isn't (yet) implemented, I'd be interested in looking at the
source code if it's accessible somewhere as it doesn't seem to be in
Triode's google repo. Does Triode accept patches?

MarkHowells's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=52436
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=79706

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