Nojelc wrote: 
> This is driving me potty.
> I have been running LMS on 2 servers and using a number of players for
> years without problems. I use the iPlayer and Spotify plugins. My
> problem is that now I cannot get Spotify to play on any of my 3 servers.
> All three say that the helper app is not running. 
> PC1 is running an old install of 7.7.3, no changes have been made for
> some time, it has been running perfectly for probably 2 years.
> PC2 is running 7.8, just loaded.
> VBA just updated to vb2.3, had a few problems (thanks garym for helping
> me on the VB forum)
> On PC1 today my Norton objected to what spotifyd.exe was doing and
> quaranteened it. 
> On PC2 the helper app is not running, spotify will not play
> On VBA the helper app is not running, spotify will not play
> I have set everything else up as normal, my music and iPlayer and
> internet radio play as normal. Why on earth would Spotify be screwed up
> on all 3 machines, all with the helper app not running. Clearly Norton
> did something on PC1 but how could that effect the other 2?
> I have updated Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)
> using the suggested link, but nothing changed.
> Here  are the details from the Norton log:
> Filename: spotifyd.exe
> Threat name: SONAR.Heuristic.120
> Very New
> This file was released less than 1 week *ago.
> High
> This file risk is high.
> SSource File: spotifyd.exe
> File:
> c:\programdata\squeezebox\cache\installedplugins\plugins\spotify\bin\mswin32-x86-multi-thread\
> spotifyd.exe Removed
> ____________________________
> Network Actions
> Event: Network activity (Performed by
> c:\programdata\squeezebox\cache\installedplugins\plugins\spotify\bin\mswin32-x86-multi-thread\spotifyd.exe,
> PID:3724) No action taken
> Event: Network activity (Performed by
> c:\programdata\squeezebox\cache\installedplugins\plugins\spotify\bin\mswin32-x86-multi-thread\spotifyd.exe,
> PID:344) No action taken
> ____________________________
> System Settings Actions
> Event: Process start (Performed by
> c:\programdata\squeezebox\cache\installedplugins\plugins\spotify\bin\mswin32-x86-multi-thread\spotifyd.exe,
> PID:3724) No action taken
> (Performed by
> c:\programdata\squeezebox\cache\installedplugins\plugins\spotify\bin\mswin32-x86-multi-thread\spotifyd.exe,
> PID:3724) No action taken
> Event: Process start:
> c:\programdata\squeezebox\cache\installedplugins\plugins\spotify\bin\mswin32-x86-multi-thread\
> spotifyd.exe, PID:3724 (Performed by
> c:\programdata\squeezebox\cache\installedplugins\plugins\spotify\bin\mswin32-x86-multi-thread\spotifyd.exe,
> PID:3724) No action taken
> Event: Process start (Performed by
> c:\programdata\squeezebox\cache\installedplugins\plugins\spotify\bin\mswin32-x86-multi-thread\spotifyd.exe,
> PID:344) No action taken
> (Performed by
> c:\programdata\squeezebox\cache\installedplugins\plugins\spotify\bin\mswin32-x86-multi-thread\spotifyd.exe,
> PID:344) No action taken
> Event: Process start:
> c:\programdata\squeezebox\cache\installedplugins\plugins\spotify\bin\mswin32-x86-multi-thread\
> spotifyd.exe, PID:344 (Performed by
> c:\programdata\squeezebox\cache\installedplugins\plugins\spotify\bin\mswin32-x86-multi-thread\spotifyd.exe,
> PID:344) No action taken
> Event: Process start (Performed by
> c:\programdata\squeezebox\cache\installedplugins\plugins\spotify\bin\mswin32-x86-multi-thread\spotifyd.exe,
> PID:5424) No action taken
> Event: Process start:
> c:\programdata\squeezebox\cache\installedplugins\plugins\spotify\bin\mswin32-x86-multi-thread\
> spotifyd.exe, PID:5424 (Performed by
> c:\programdata\squeezebox\cache\installedplugins\plugins\spotify\bin\mswin32-x86-multi-thread\spotifyd.exe,
> PID:5424) No action taken
> Event: Process start (Performed by
> c:\programdata\squeezebox\cache\installedplugins\plugins\spotify\bin\mswin32-x86-multi-thread\spotifyd.exe,
> PID:348) No action taken
> Event: Process start:
> c:\programdata\squeezebox\cache\installedplugins\plugins\spotify\bin\mswin32-x86-multi-thread\
> spotifyd.exe, PID:348 (Performed by
> c:\programdata\squeezebox\cache\installedplugins\plugins\spotify\bin\mswin32-x86-multi-thread\spotifyd.exe,
> PID:348) No action taken
> ____________________________
> File Thumbprint - SHA:
> Not available
> File Thumbprint - MD5:
> Not available

:( yes I had this last time - one of us need to report the file to
Norton and get it agreed as a valid file!

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