wt0 wrote: 
> Yes I'm missing a "don't". It's always the important words that you miss
> :)
> No I don't plan on making a windows phone version of SB Player.  The
> main reason is that you cannot run apps in the background so it makes SB
> Player kind of pointless unless you plan on using a windows phone as a
> dedicated player. Also I don't think I can access the system's audio
> decoder on winphone, which means that I won't be able to support mp3 and
> aac since I don't have a license for them (which I would need if the app
> uses its own decoder).

Sounds like good reasons not to do it. I will be watching with interest
how the player goes on the Fire tv and Nexus player.

Thanks for the update, the background issue is fixed. The what's new
popup seems to come up every time I open the app. I assume it's not
meant to keep doing it?

This version may be slightly better, but the music still skips back a
couple of seconds sometimes when the app connects if it hasn't been used
for a little while.

Having used it on windows phone a little bit now and comparing to webOS,
there are some things I like better and others I don't. Managing
playlists (reordering, deleting etc) was much nicer on webOS, but moving
sideways between the screens on the windows phone version is nicer. If I
had to pick between the 2 I would probably give webOS the edge, but that
is where my (broken) heart is :)

keep up the good work. If I end up on android I'll try out you app there


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