I am interested in the concept of this plug-in in the post Squeezebox
era and commend your plug-in for providing this functionality.

Here are my observations:

I installed the plug-in (Windows 7/LMS 7.9) and it runs and discovers my
Revo SuperConnect Radio.

I could not stream any of the tracks in my exclusively FLAC library
without enabling FLAC/MP3 transcoding in the LMS settings.

The Revo can decode FLAC when served from a Serviio uPnP server running
on the same Windows PC but does this when "pulling" the tracks from the
PC. It does not seem to work the same when the tracks are being "pushed"
from LMS. I'm well aware that DLNA seems to run differently on different
devices but wondered if this was a limitation of the plug-in.

Incidentally if I push the tracks from my PC using the 2player app on my
Android phone (which recognizes the Serviio server) I can succesfully
decode the FLAC files on the REVO.

ian_heys's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2629
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=102496

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