afalout wrote: 
> OK, I was trying to avoid that as it is generally accepted in Linux
> community that there is no better way to run or test then to compile
> from source code. There is even a whole distribution dedicated to this
> concept (Gentoo). But if you say so...
> I am additionaly confused by both variety of binaries in the GIT, and
> also version you mention, but I dont see:
> find . | grep squeeze2upnp-x86
> ./bin/squeeze2upnp-x86-static
> ./bin/squeeze2upnp-x86
> This is all I get with "git pull" right now.
> Which one should I use for testing? 
> BTW, here is a core dump apparently caused by restarting Windows machine
> that was running Foobar:
> [19:03:38.000954] process:572 [0x8094dac] strm
> [19:03:38.001093] process_strm:243 [0x8094dac] strm command t
> [19:03:38.001136] sendSTAT:169 [0x8094dac] STAT: STMt
> [19:03:38.001783] process:572 [0x808cac0] strm
> [19:03:38.001876] process_strm:243 [0x808cac0] strm command t
> [19:03:38.001917] sendSTAT:169 [0x808cac0] STAT: STMt
> [19:03:38.002295] process:572 [0x8092208] strm
> [19:03:38.002397] process_strm:243 [0x8092208] strm command t
> [19:03:38.002427] sendSTAT:169 [0x8092208] STAT: STMt
> [19:03:38.002583] process:572 [0x808f664] strm
> [19:03:38.002619] process_strm:243 [0x808f664] strm command t
> [19:03:38.002646] sendSTAT:169 [0x808f664] STAT: STMt
> [19:03:38.763068] CallbackEventHandler:665 Answer to uPNP search
> [19:03:38.769662] AddMRDevice:947 MediaRenderer UDN:   
> uuid:19b0a093-51a0-93b9-6ba9-930951b958e1
> DeviceType:     urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1
> FriendlyName:   oLab
> [19:03:39.001041] CallbackEventHandler:680 uPNP search timeout
> [19:03:39.001156] slimproto_close:994 [0x808cac0] slimproto stop for
> fooPolarVM Renderer [STDW7-POLAR]
> [19:03:39.201403] output_mr_close:552 [0x808cac0] close media renderer
> [19:03:39.202599] decode_close:180 close decode
> line 33: 27674 Segmentation fault      $exePrefix
> $squeeze2upnpCMD $squeeze2upnpFlags
> INFO - v0.1.4.0rc2 exited with code '139' CMD: 
> /storage/usr-src/lms2upnp/LMS-to-uPnP/bin/squeeze2upnp-x86 -s
> localhost:3483 -d all=debug -p /tmp/

Re-compiling everything is absolutely your choice, all source code is
provided. I'm old enough to have started to work with Linux version 0.9
and evolved with distribution like Slackware so I share the appreciation
with the possibility to re-compile, all I'm saying is that, as what I'm
releasing currently is very early and might have compilation issues on
top of the "natural" difficulties of upnp devices being non-standard +
every proxy/gateway application being prone to difficulties due to its
very nature of trying to bridge 2 worlds that have not been desiged to
co-exist - I recommend separated the issues between the compilation and
the upnp/gateway - but again, it is your choice :)

The -static version was added today - in this one, all libs are
statically linked. This is convenient for one of my NAS that has a too
old glibc and is not happy with shared libs version. 

But I recommend you use squeeze2upnp-x86 (the shared lib). The most
up-to-date is what you've chosen, in bin/ and is currently 1.4.0rc2
(releas candidate 2). I think this is the one you'll appreciate the

I also recommend that you run the app with the default debug level and
server selection (don't need to add anything on the command line) ,
unless you have multiple servers and want to force the local one. Port
number is also optional if you use default 3483. Using -f logfile is
also useful for me to be able to provide help.

Needless to say that the coredump is abnormal, although management of
appearing and disappearing players is a delicate subject. Normally,
every 2 minutes, a upnp search is launched and players previously
detected but who are missing are disconnected and removed from sq2u. I
have running a lot on my system, and I tried again just before writing
these lines, to terminate foobar and it was brought down properly, with
sq2u running on another machine (Linux). What is a bit strange in you
log is teardown of fooPolarVM happening ~250ms after the oLab player was
detected. What happened there ?

LMS 7.7.2 - 5 radio, 3 Boom, 4 Duet, 1 Touch, 1 SB2. Sonos 2xPLAY:1,
PLAY:3, PLAY:5, Marantz NR1603, JBL OnBeat, XBMC, Foobar2000, XBoxOne
(sort of)
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