philippe_44 wrote: 
> But I recommend you use squeeze2upnp-x86 (the shared lib). The most
> up-to-date is what you've chosen, in bin/ and is currently 1.4.0rc2
> (releas candidate 2). I think this is the one you'll appreciate the
> most. 

Coll - I'm using that.

philippe_44 wrote: 
> I also recommend that you run the app with the default debug level and
> server selection (don't need to add anything on the command line) ,
> unless you have multiple servers and want to force the local one. Port
> number is also optional if you use default 3483. Using -f logfile is
> also useful for me to be able to provide help. 

My command line is:

-s localhost:3483 -d all=debug -p /tmp/

and there is no ./config.xml    I have 2 running SBS/LMS servers so I have
to use at least "localhost". I stopped forking (-z) because I started
being paranoind. So I also stopped logging to file. 

But honestly, do you beleive that any of those can causse symptoms I am

philippe_44 wrote: 
> terminate foobar and it was brought down properly, with sq2u
> running on another machine (Linux), but the code is probably still not
> exempt of race condition at these special occasions. What is a bit
> strange in you log is teardown of fooPolarVM happening ~250ms after the
> oLab player was detected. What happened there ?

I've rebooted Windoes while Foobar was running - which may or may not be
the same as politely exiting Foobar (?)

" ~250ms after the oLab player was detected" - this is the strange
thing... oLab is the Onkyo receiver I am using for testing (which plays
UPnP streams from FooBar correctly, just FYI). And that recever is
allways on. Why it gets detected and undetected at will is puzzling. At
the moment I rebooted Windows box (VM) I did not touch oLab, nothing was
playing on it, it was just idly sitting there.

Hmmmmm..... is it possible FooBar instance is interfearing by sending
UPnP commands while idle?

Again, would SSH access be of any help here?


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