bpa wrote: 
> Absolutely no harm sometimes new info comes out or a new perspective
> trigger an idea.
> As it stands when ffmpeg (already installed on Synology but could be
> part of a Plex install) behave the same on a Intel and Arm based
> Synology.
> The key issue is that when run on a command line - it plays OK and
> transcodes streams. When run from playhls.sh from a shell prompt -
> ffmpeg stops after 3 secs. with the following error after managing to
> get input stream, analyse it and determine what codecs are needed for
> input and output.
> > 
  >   > 
  > Error while opening decoder for input stream #0:0 : Operation not permitted
> > 
> I have tracked down in ffmpeg source code to failure to open a codec.
> Odd since same command line from shell prompt works so at the moment
> my guess is somehow codec file paths are messed up in the Synoloigy
> shell (which is ash and so less functional than bash)

Is this any use, it's talking about ffmpeg on Synology and exec being


Sorry if it's not relevant


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