before the current BBC debacle I'd been listening using the inbuilt
Tunein radio facilities

Whilst BBIplayer and the HLS plugin in significantly better quality one
thing I miss is the artwork and show details that I used to (and still
do on the crappy mp3 stream) get on the Tunein stream.

is this something

I shoud get?
BBIplayer would need to be modded to provide?

Or is it as I suspect that BBIplayer just points you to the url of the
stream, whereas the extra detail on the Tunein side is actually a value
add that is provided by Tunein?

Transporter (Lounge)
Touch (Office)
Touch (Kitchen)
Radio (Bedroom)
Radio (Garage)
SqueezePlay 7.8 on 2 x Windows 7 PCs

LMS 7.7.3 on DIY UnRaid NAS now upgraded to 7.8 (06/01/2015)

Squeeze user since the SB1
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