Wigster wrote: 
> Yes, I've been through the all of those (short of patchign the
> LiveText). I have exactly the same behaviour with the two faad.exe's.
> BPA: Extending the Radio buffer makes the snippet that the SB plays
> longer, but it fails exactly like always, wait 20 seconds and restarts.
> This has been going on since I built my server about 2 weeks ago, so it
> is not intermittent. Previously I had a Windows Home Server v1 and I
> could never get the live stations to work after the BBC went HLS. But
> there on-demand didn't work either -- here it is perfect. I gave up
> because of the upcoming migration.
> I was looking at the Task Manager to see CPU usage: LMS is always around
> 0.3%. Faad/Flac both use about 0.5% when they are transcoding. The WebUI
> remains operational and responsive when it is waiting for the next
> chunk, so I really don't :hink it's LMS getting stuck. 
> But here is the interesting thing: Faad/Flac both start off with 0.5%
> CPU use that then goes to zero after a couple of seconds. The stream
> gets interrupted shortly after. They sit there with constant memory use
> and no CPU use for about 10 seconds and then a new FAAD and a new FLAC
> process appears with different process numbers. The stream on the SB3
> immediately restarts, while the old instances of FAAD/FLAC disappear.
> The whole thing then repeats.
> It's as if the faad gets hangs, LMS restarts the whole thing and then it
> gets stuck again...
> Would it be worth my while moving the setup onto a Win 8.1 machine to
> see if it would start working there? I presume if I just moved all of
> the ProgramData SB folder then the settings would go through without
> changes, so that I woudn't generate a different setup.
In a rather different situation (using UPnP) I had something similar. 
To cut a longish story short I forced aac to use pcm for my player by
setting the file types accordingly.  It may be worth just trying each
setting exclusively.  I'm not an expert on SB types, so am not sure what
a Classic should support, but it wouldn't take long to try each of the 4
options with the other 3 disabled.

LMS 7.9 on VortexBox Midi, Xubuntu 14.04, FLACs 16->24 bit,
44.1->192kbps. LMS plugin UPnP/DLNA Bridge to MF M1 CLiC (to MF amp &
ESLs) & Marantz CR603 UPnP renderers.  Minimserver (server) & upplay
(control point) to same & to upmpdcli/mpd PC renderers.  Squeezelite to
Meridian USB Explorer DAC to speakers/phones.  Wireless Xubuntu 15.04
laptop with firefox/upplay or Android 'phone with
Squeeze-Commander/BubbleUPnP controls LMS/Minimserver.   Have a Touch
with EDO, plus spare, but unused.
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