philippe_44 wrote: 
> Understood - The difficulty in that situation is that when you pause,
> LMS has the behavior to send a "0" volume command *before* it asks for
> the pause. So I have not possibility to make the difference between a
> real user volume command and the LMS 'pause'. I could put an option to
> ignore all 0 volume command while playing but I'm sure some users are
> not going to like it. You probably should use the "on/off" button in LMS
> when you want to stop using the Onkyo from LMS. I have to check but I
> don't think this command sends a 0 volume command
> [edit]: I'll take that back, only the when you empty the playlist will
> LMS volume command be ignored. This is the only option. I can probably
> then add an option to ignore all "0" volume command in version,
> but I will have to disable it by default as it will probably be
> confusing for many users

That would be great. I suppose clearing the playlist is probably the
best option for me in the meantime.

Great plug-in by the way - excellent idea and very nicely implemented.

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