CommanderROR wrote: 
> @wt0
> I've been using your app for quite some time and recently rebought them
> (you know, that Play-Store thingy...) and am mostly happy. There is just
> one thing: For some reason the app frequently loses connection to the
> server (local LMS) and then reconnects which takes about 10-20 seconds.
> Why is that? It doesn't happen with the other remote control apps (like
> Orange Squeeze) and I can't find out what's wrong. The Player
> (Squeezelite) is connected and playing, no gaps, no stutters, it's just
> the Squeeze ctrl. app that apparently can't find the current player for
> a while in irregulari intervals. Sometimes in the middle of scrolling
> through a Playlist, sometimes after waking up the Smartphone screen.
> This used to happen on my Samsung S4 and is the same on my S5. Wifi is
> fine, my Players are also connected via WiFi, so I'd notice if it
> fails...
> Any ideas? It's not a dealbreaker, just a bit annoying...
Not sure, but try upping the default network timeout in Preferences >

Squeezebox apps for webOS, Android and Windows Phone,
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