wt0 wrote: 
> Forgive me but I need to rant little....
> You know I am so sick of everybody equating the current trend of using
> white backgrounds as "modern".  There is nothing inherently modern about
> white.  Personally I find white backgrounds to be hard on the eyes and
> very distracting when used in darker environments, which is generally
> the case for media apps.  What's even worse is when someone (not you)
> suggests that I give the app the "flatter" look of material design.
> Well, I spent hours pouring through the material design guide and
> changing the look to fit the design suggestions (flat control icons,
> elevated toolbars, floating cards where applicable, etc.). Nowhere in
> the guide does it say that "material" has to be white.
> Yes the default background is red and that's because I like red. If you
> don't like it change it.  If you don't like any of them, pick a picture
> from your own collection.
That deserves a whole discussion on its own (: this is just a matter of
opinion. i too think that a brighter background looks more modern but i
also have to admit that they are hard to use in a dark environment.
My problem with the default backgrounds is not the color but the
gradient (it kind of kills the flat/material look). I like a solid color
more and so i do use a custom background of a solid gray color. (maybe a
input for a custom hex color would be cool)
The only background related thing that bothers me now its the red flash
every time i start the app. But maybe you can fix this. A Thing that
gives any app immediately a more modern look is a colored status bar (:
wt0 wrote: 
> I'll give you the menu icons, the Logitech design is a little long on
> the tooth but it's better than no icons.  From pippin's previous post,
> you can see how much of an investment is required to do a complete icon
> replacement.  I draw the line at having to hire a graphic designer.
Better than no icons is also a matter of opinion. My problem with these
icons is that they also (like the default backgrounds) kill the
flat/material look.
I completely understand that you don't want to hire a graphic designer.
At the end of the day you should make profit with this app. But is i
hinted in my previous post: Maybe you could make a deal with pippin.
Maybe he already has a icon set that fits your app (:
wt0 wrote: 
> Look at the current Gmail app, that's considered a "modern" design,
> right?  Other than the white background and the dated menu icons, how
> different is Squeeze Ctrl's design scheme?
Colored status bar (: it really are the small things that make the
difference. IMO you are able to kill a whole design scheme with some
small details.
wt0 wrote: 
> I'm more of a function over form type of guy, and with this app, a lot
> of the form is pretty much dictated by the function especially on phone
> size screens. There really isn't very many ways to pack that amount of
> functionality into a small screen.
> Sorry but I just needed to get this off my chest.
No problem you didn't offend me in any way. I hope i didn't offend you
ether. Design is a pretty hard thing to talk about because there is no
perfect design. I know some people who hate material design. i really
like it. everyone has their different tastes that's why there are so
many apps that do the same thing on the playstore.
But in the case of squeezebox controllers your app is really the only
real choice. And i can't make one myself because i can't do any
programming.. (i'm more the hardware guy)
So i'm kinda stuck with the decisions you make (:


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