MadDogUK wrote: 
> Hey guys,
> After various successes and failures over the years with it, I'm back to
> trying to get my old classic working with Spotify, as there seems to be
> no commercial alternative at sub-Sonos prices.
> Last week this all worked fine, and there was much rejoicing, but the
> streaming was interrupted due to my flaky wifi. So I bought some
> improved networking tech (powerline adapters FWIW) and connected my SB
> to that. Everything else now works, but Spotify streaming does not.
> So, of course, I went back to the old set up, and the problem persists.
> Hence I have concluded it's probably not connected to that, and may have
> stopped worked for other reasons prior to this change.
> Setup
> - SB classic.
> - Triode plugin installed, "official" spotify disabled.
> - Connecting to server 7.8.0 running on Windows 7.
> Symptoms:
> - SB classic connects ok to my server, plays my music library fine.
> - SB classic works ok with iPlayer (at least with live streaming,
> listening to old stuff it can't find the track, this has been a problem
> for years, but first things first...)
> - SB classic finds the spotify app, and can search artists and get track
> listings ok
> - However, when a track is selected it pauses on "connecting" for a
> while, then skips to next track.
> Diagnostics:
> - Went to SB plugins/triode spotify setup/settings, ran self test
> - Streaming from Spotify ok.
> - Says player unable to connect, check firewall.
> - Turned off firewall. Scary stuff probably all over my PC. Self test
> still fails.
> - Bit odd that it would be firewall anyway as the SB is clearly
> connecting on some level to spotify to get the track names, artist
> search, etc. It's the streaming that's broken.
> - Turned logging up to 11. Excerpt below from the testing process.
> [21:34:29.861] main:567 new connection
> [21:34:29.862] main:619 req: cover.jpg res:
> spotify:image:d55e872b341d74551dae3719a993dd1b9d4fdc30 par: (null) prot:
> HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
> [21:34:29.862] write_cover:123 cover fetch: No error
> [21:34:29.979] music_delivery:427 called with num_frames: 2048
> [21:34:29.979] music_delivery:445 streamtest - player did not connect
> within timeout
> [21:34:29.979] music_delivery:571 error writing
> [21:34:29.979] music_delivery:573 state WAITING -> WRITEERROR
> [21:34:29.979] music_delivery:584 streamed frames: 2048 can't write: 0
> rate: 0 / 44100
> [21:34:29.979] music_delivery:427 called with num_frames: 2048
> [21:34:29.979] main:1603 resetting streambuf
> [21:34:29.979] music_delivery:584 streamed frames: 4096 can't write: 0
> rate: 0 / 44100
> Log when I actually try to connect from the player looks like this:
> [21:54:14.771] main:567 new connection
> [21:54:14.771] main:619 req: browse.json res:
> spotify:artist:6CwfuxIqcltXDGjfZsMd9A par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth:
> (null)
> [21:54:14.771] main:1026 created artist browse
> [21:54:14.896] browse_artist_callback:179 browse artist: ok
> [21:54:14.912] metadata_updated:86 new meta
> [21:54:17.174] main:567 new connection
> [21:54:17.174] main:619 req: tracks.json res:
> spotify:artist:6CwfuxIqcltXDGjfZsMd9A par: max=20 prot: HTTP/1.0 auth:
> (null)
> [21:54:17.174] main:1315 created artist tracks browse
> [21:54:17.174] main:1335 tracks max: 20
> [21:54:17.517] metadata_updated:86 new meta
> [21:54:17.548] metadata_updated:86 new meta
> [21:54:17.548] metadata_updated:86 new meta
> [21:54:17.564] metadata_updated:86 new meta
> [21:54:17.564] metadata_updated:86 new meta
> [21:54:17.579] metadata_updated:86 new meta
> [21:54:17.579] browse_artist_tracks_callback:365 browse artist tracks:
> ok
> [21:54:17.595] metadata_updated:86 new meta
> [21:54:22.869] main:567 new connection
> [21:54:22.884] main:619 req: browse.json res:
> spotify:track:0fiPpwBPIaxxydn4KzX9Tc par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth:
> (null)
> [21:54:22.884] main:1078 queuing track browse
> [21:54:22.884] process_track:1414 process track
> [21:54:22.884] process_track:1438 browse track: ok
> [21:54:29.878] main:567 new connection
> [21:54:29.878] main:619 req: cover.jpg res:
> spotify:image:9fe46cb2ada04ae3292dbac312d5e79ae1562c9d par: (null) prot:
> HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
> [21:54:29.878] write_cover:123 cover fetch: No error
> [21:54:29.878] main:567 new connection
> [21:54:29.878] main:619 req: cover.jpg res:
> spotify:image:733d45fb18481b44c663c3846dbc30760c1ba328 par: (null) prot:
> HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
> [21:54:30.067] write_cover:123 cover fetch: No error
> [21:54:30.887] main:567 new connection
> [21:54:30.887] main:619 req: cover.jpg res:
> spotify:image:92763ca3d3afbe071083fe2ed9d18201864b93c4 par: (null) prot:
> HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
> [21:54:31.058] write_cover:123 cover fetch: No error
> [21:54:44.924] log_message:81 log: 20:54:44.924 I [offline-mgr:2058] 0
> files unlocked. 0 images unlocked
> Any ideas? Really struggling now, beyond random installs/reinstalls.

Can't help with regard to the logs, but can you not try an Ethernet
connection, maybe reset your Spotify password/login?



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