so I originally installed IO::Socket::SSL using the ReadyNAS package
(apt-get install libio-socket-ssl-perl)  which put version 1.01 of the
library in 

    perl -MIO::Socket::SSL -le 'print $IO::Socket::SSL::VERSION'

on uninstalling that (apt-get remove libio-socket-ssl-perl) and loading
it from cpan instead (cpan install IO::Socket::SSL) I get v2.020 which
now works.

Many thanks - the YouTube plugin now works for me.....

philippe_44 wrote: 
> What version of SSL are you using in your Perl distribution ? Obviously,
> LMS tries to set socket in binmode to do some seek (that's what I see in
> the LMS code). I've replaced the IO::Socket::INET by IO::Socket::SSL,
> and in your case, this object does not contain a method binmode. That
> methods seems to be present in most SSL Perl package. Sorry, I know I'm
> not telling you anything more than what you already saw, but checking
> that there is no new SSL package for that Perl system is the only option
> I see. I don't have access to a ReadyNAS Ultra2 to check and running SSL
> on NAS has been a pain since the beginning with that plugin update I
> did. I have a Synology and that was a similar problem, hence I prefer to
> run LMS on a computer or a Pi

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