
The Linn streamers are all supposed to operate under OpenHome Media
(ohMedia,) aka UPnP with Linn extensions, so cache the complete playlist
for all music tracks and use a different mechanism to standard UPnP to
provide gapless playback support (so don't support the
SetNextAVTRansportURI action). This may explain some of the difficulties
being experienced.

I'm actually surprised that the Squeeze2UPnP application can even detect
an ohMedia streamer, given that they do not normally become visible to
standard UPnP control points. My understanding is OpenHome uses
different UPnP discovery property values to standard UPnP and would also
explain why ohMedia control points can't see standard UPnP streamers. 

You may be able to test OpenHome streaming yourself, locally, by running
the BubbleUPnP Server helper application, which can be configured to
provide an emulated OpenHome streamer for any (real) standard UPnP
streamer on the network (thus allowing it to be used by an OpenHome
control point):


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