philippe_44 wrote: 
> I don't know why, I tested again today and it worked for me

There must be something wrong on your end, as far as I can see. I can
add other repositories, I can add other plugins. The only two things
that doesn't seem to work are installing that specific repository or
trying to add the already in LMS included Chromecast bridge
plugin (if I tick this box I'm being asked to restart LMS and the the
plugin appears at the top of the page (for being updated, I guess), and
ticking it there nothing happens except for an eternal loop of ticking
the box, restarting, ticking the box, restarting - it seems to me that
this problem is due to the plugin not being able to update, am I right?)
And. Aren't both problems then related - it's when leaving LMS, to
either try to fetch or to try and update that it fails?

And both these things worked for me just a few days ago, on this same

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