And these libraries would be updated whenever a new scan occurred?


I might be tempted to try to cache the data from the files containing
library names into a database somehow. I notice that in the database
directory is a database called 'PluginCache-SQLPlayList.db'. Is there
some 'standard' method for creating this database? Just wondering if
pulling the library names from a database would be quicker than having
to read the file from disk every time?

I don't know about this particular file. But it might be a cache file created using Slim::Utils::Cache->new('PluginCache::SQLPlaylist'). Those cache files basically are a key -> value storage. This would indeed allow you to store folder name -> information file tuples. This could speed up the scanning process if you create multiple libraries over the same folders. Make sure you keep the expiry time under control ($cache->set($path, $info, 3600) -> cache for one hour), or you'd have to purge that file manually when forcing a full re-scan.


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