Hey Daniel

I think it is great that you shared your web frontend. I just have a
few questions...
The index.php seem to redirect to another subfolder, which doesnt
exist on my machine. Is it supposed to generate them automatically?
In includes/config.php I have to specifiy every IP I want to see and
it doesn't seem to work when I use a whole subnet (eg,, is that how it works for now or is there another way
around that?

Other than that, it looks quite promising. :)


On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 7:57 AM, Daniel Lo Nigro <da...@ymail.com> wrote:
> Firstly, thanks for your work on pmacct, it seems to work very well! I've 
> been looking for something like this for quite a while.
> I'm using it to track bandwidth/traffic usage on a server that runs quite a 
> few virtual servers (via Linux-Vserver). I found some web frontends for 
> pmacct but none of them seemed to suit my needs (and pmacct-fe seems dead) so 
> I started making my own. I've placed the code on GitHub if anyone wants 
> it: https://github.com/Daniel15/pmacct-frontend. It's only for personal use 
> so I probably won't update it much, but I thought other people with similar 
> use cases might be interested in using/improving my code for their own web 
> frontends :)
> Here is a screenshot: http://ss.dan.cx/2011/10/13-16.53.10.png
> Only tested with MySQL, but shouldn't be too hard to get working with 
> PostgreSQL or maybe SQLite.
>  - Daniel
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