
did you check your PHP error log? What do you get when you request the 
URL directly in the browser (Firebug response, etc)?

In principal your tile URL should have the key with the PHP session ID 
included, like


When using cookies for sessions in PHP this is not always added (don't 
know when and when not...). But then the session should be handled via 
the cookies, so no problem should appear neither... But to be sure just 
try once setting the php.ini flag like

session.use_cookies = 0

and see if it works better. I tested it with cookies enabled and then 
the direct URL worked also without the session included in the URL. And 
your URL works for my installation. I don't think Windows as server 
makes any difference...


On 27/03/2012 22:49, Serge Claudio Rafanoharana wrote:
> Dear Armin,
> I tried the version 5 but gives me some errors. All shapefiles in the First
> Domain are not displayed but all in the Second Domain are working. I got
> this message in Firebug:
> "NetworkError: 404 Not Found -";
> Image corrupt or truncated:
> http://localhost/pmapper5/lib/map/pmap?&groups=countries,cities10000eu,rivers&imgformat=png32&width=1618&height=475&bbox=-13835306.273579,2847736.7110985,17835306.273579,12152263.288902&crs=EPSG%3A900913
> Any thoughts?
> I'm running on Windows.
> Regards,
> Serge

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