
Le 02/04/2013 10:08, Chris forum a écrit :
> Still struggling with the search function.
> To resume what I am experiencing with a 2 fields search, which 
> consists in finding a street name and then a building number on this 
> street:
> 1) It looks like I can not set the first field search mode to 
> 'options', my postgis table is too big (~10'000 rows).
> If I do, even though the values are there (Firebug can lists the 
> option values), they are not displayed in the drop down menu.
> 2) When I set the first field mode to 'suggest', it works but the 
> query is launched as soon as I click on a proposed value.
> So when I click on a street name, the query is done before I can 
> specify a building number.

I don't remember how to do this, but i'm sure a suggest field is able to 
not send search

> Is a two fields search supposed to work with both fields using 
> 'suggest' mode?
> If so, do you have any idea why the search doesn't wait for the second 
> input before launching the query?

I will check code, but it shoudl work as you discribed.

> Any working exemple available?
> Link to the gisdb postgis table used in the dev search.xml?

Could you send me small SQL scripts to create and populate DB (and the 
corresponding mapfile layer part) please?

> Thanx,
> Chris
> On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 3:56 PM, Chris forum <bak.fo...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:bak.fo...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Thomas,
>     Thx for your fast reply!
>     The <searchitem> of my last message was related to a shapefile for
>     a test. That's why I didn't add an SQL query in it as I didn't see
>     any shapefile example with an sql tag.
>     Anyway, I just tried to add:
>     <sql>SELECT DISTINCT NUMBER FROM building _shp">
>     WHERE TYPE = '[dependfldval]'  AND NUMBER ~* '[search]' ORDER BY
>     NUMBER </sql>
>     But the second field is still not filtered... : (
>     From what I see, you example with 2 fields is dealing with a PGSQL
>     table.
>     Here is what I have:
>     <searchitem name="addresses" description="Addresses -Suggest
>     Suggest PGSQL-">
>            <layer type="postgis" name="Address_table">
>             <field type="s" name="Address_field" description="Street"
>     wildcard="2">
>     <definition type="suggest" connectiontype="db" minlength="1"
>     startleft="1" sort="asc">
>     <dsn encoding="UTF-8">pgsql://user:pass@localhost/db</dsn>
>     <sql>SELECT DISTINCT Address_field FROM public.Address_table WHERE
>     Address_field IS NOT NULL ORDER BY Address_field</sql>
>     <events>onchange="$('#pmsfld_number_field').val('').flushCache()"</events>
>     </definition>
>                 </field>
>                 <field type="n" name="Number_field" description="Nb"
>     wildcard="2">
>                    <definition type="suggest" connectiontype="db"
>     sort="asc" minlength="3" dependfld="Address_field">
>                       <dsn
>     encoding="UTF-8">pgsql://user:pass@localhost/db</dsn>
>     <sql>SELECT DISTINCT Number_field FROM
>     public.goeland_addresse_lausanne WHERE Number_field ~* '^[search]'
>     {and Address_field = '[dependfldval]'} ORDER BY Number_field</sql>
>     </definition>
>             </field>
>          </layer>
>     </searchitem>
>     First field works, but the query is made as soon as I choose one
>     entry in the list. No chance to select anything on the 2nd field.
>     If I switch the first field mode to 'options', the drop down menu
>     comes empty. Actually the values are in there, but just not
>     displayed... very strange.
>     In case the problem is there, here under the related layer of my
>     mapfile:
>     LAYER
>        NAME "Address_table"
>        TYPE POINT
>        DATA "geom from Address_table using unique idaddress using
>     srid=21781"
>        CONNECTIONTYPE postgis
>        CONNECTION "user=user password=pass dbname=db host=localhost
>     port=5432"
>        METADATA
>           "DESCRIPTION" "Addresses"
>           "RESULT_FIELDS" "idaddress, Address_table, Number_field"
>            "RESULT_HEADERS" "ID, Street, Nb"
>            "ows_title" "addresses"
>        END
>        TEMPLATE void
>        CLASS
>           STYLE
>              SYMBOL "circle"
>              COLOR 255 0 125
>              MINSIZE 1
>              SIZE 6
>              MAXSIZE 10
>           END
>        END
>     END
>     Do you see anything wrong/missing?
>     On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 2:55 PM, Thomas RAFFIN <traf...@sirap.fr
>     <mailto:traf...@sirap.fr>> wrote:
>         I think you have to define the SQL query for suggest option
>         with depend
>         field val. Here is an example for the 2d field that depend on
>         field1
>                      <field type="s" name="field2" description="Field 2"
>         wildcard="0" size="15">
>                          <definition type="suggest" connectiontype="db"
>         startleft="1" sort="asc" minlength="4" dependfld="field1">
>                              <dsn encoding="UTF-8">@</dsn>
>                              <sql>SELECT DISTINCT field2 FROM
>         schema.table WHERE
>         field1 = '[dependfldval]'  AND field2 ~* '[search]' ORDER BY
>         field2</sql>
>                                <events></events>
>                          </definition>
>                      </field>
>         NB: it is possible to use many depend fields, but if it
>         doesn't works
>         already, maybe I've forgotten to commit something...
>                      <field type="s" name="field1" description="Field 1"
>         wildcard="0" size="15">
> <events>onchange="$('#pmsfld_field2').val('');$('#pmsfld_field2').flushCache();"</events>
>                      </field>
>                      <field type="s" name="field2" description="Field 2"
>         wildcard="0" size="15">
>                          <definition type="suggest" connectiontype="db"
>         startleft="1" sort="asc" minlength="4" dependfld="field1">
>                              <dsn encoding="UTF-8">@</dsn>
>                              <sql>SELECT DISTINCT field2 FROM
>         schema.table WHERE
>         field1 = '[dependfldval]' AND field2 ~* '[search]' ORDER BY
>         att1</sql>
> <events>onchange="$('#pmsfld_field3').val('');$('#pmsfld_field3').flushCache();"</events>
>                          </definition>
>                      </field>
>                      <field type="s" name="field3" description="Field 3"
>         wildcard="0" size="15">
>                          <definition type="suggest" connectiontype="db"
>         startleft="1" sort="asc" minlength="4" dependfld="field1,field2">
>                              <dsn encoding="UTF-8">@</dsn>
>                              <sql>SELECT DISTINCT field3 FROM
>         schema.table WHERE
>         field1 = '[dependfldval_field1 ]' AND field2 =
>         '[dependfldval_field2]'
>         AND field3 ~* '[search]' ORDER BY field3</sql>
>          <events>....</events>
>                          </definition>
>                      </field>
>         Le 27/03/2013 14:15, Chris forum a écrit :
>         > Hi all,
>         >
>         > I am having a hard time getting to work a search with 2
>         fields, second one
>         > being dependant of the first one.
>         > I especially would like to do that with data coming from PGSQL .
>         >
>         > I know there are examples in the search.xml of the wiki, but
>         I am not able
>         > to reproduce them with the demo data:
>         > - "Cities Options Suggest MS": P.MAPPER ERROR: This version
>         of PHP does
>         > support dBase functions
>         > - "Communes Suggest PG": I can not find where to download
>         the PGSQL
>         > database gisdb
>         >
>         > Does anyone have a link where to get gisdb database?
>         >
>         > Here under what I tried with my own shapefile data.
>         > This sort of work, but the second field is not filtered
>         according to what
>         > has been chosen on the first field.
>         >
>         > <searchitem name="Test" description="Test -Options Suggest MS-">
>         >              <layer type="shape" name="building _shp">
>         >
>         >                 <field type="s" name="TYPE"
>         description="Building Type"
>         > wildcard="2">
>         >                      <definition type="options"
>         connectiontype="ms"
>         > sort="asc" firstoption="*">
>         >                          <mslayer encoding="ISO-8859-1"
>         keyfield="TYPE"
>         > showfield="TYPE"/>
>         >
>         >
>         <events>onchange="$('#pmsfld_NUMBER').val('').flushCache()"</events>
>         >                      </definition>
>         >                  </field>
>         >
>         >                    <field type="s" name="NUMBER"
>         description="Building
>         > Number" wildcard="2">
>         >                        <definition type="suggest"
>         connectiontype="ms"
>         > minlength="1" startleft="1" sort="asc" dependfld="TYPE">
>         >                        <mslayer encoding="ISO-8859-1"
>         keyfield="NUMBER"
>         > showfield="NUMBER"/>
>         >                        </definition>
>         >                    </field>
>         >
>         >              </layer>
>         >          </searchitem>
>         >
>         >
>         > Regards,
>         > Chris
>         >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>         --
>         Thomas RAFFIN
>         Chef de Projet Internet
>         traf...@sirap.fr <mailto:traf...@sirap.fr>
>         <mailto:traf...@sirap.fr <mailto:traf...@sirap.fr>>      Sirap
>         <http://sirap.fr>         Tel
>         : 04 75 72 84 10
>         Fax : 04 75 70 07 98
>         Rue Paul Louis Héroult - BP 253
>         26106 Romans cedex
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>         Own the Future-Intel&reg; Level Up Game Demo Contest 2013
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Chef de Projet Internet
traf...@sirap.fr <mailto:traf...@sirap.fr>      Sirap <http://sirap.fr>         
: 04 75 72 84 10
Fax : 04 75 70 07 98
Rue Paul Louis Héroult - BP 253
26106 Romans cedex

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