At 3/14/2003 11:29 AM +0100, Thomas Klausner wrote:
Is there a Pod::Simple based module/script to remove all POD from Perl code?

Not yet in the dist, but here's a simple one:

use strict;
use warnings;

  package Pod::Simple::CodeOnly;
  use base qw(Pod::Simple);
  sub new {
    my $new = shift->SUPER::new(@_);
    $new->code_handler( sub {
      print {$_[2]{'output_fh'}} $_[0], "\n";
    return $new;

It's used like any Pod::Simple subclass, namely:

my $parser = Pod::Simple::CodeOnly->new; my $it; $parser->output_string( \$it ); $parser->parse_file( $filespec ); undef $parser; print $it; # or do whatever with $it

or to send to a FH:

my $parser = Pod::Simple::CodeOnly->new;
$parser->output_fh( *STDOUT ); # or to wherever
$parser->parse_file( $filespec);

If the document is not a file, but something in memory, then you'd use $parser->parse_string_document($the_content).

I'm not sure how I will resolve the question of whether code_line will be the line of code before or after it gets its encoding translated. So if we read a UTF16 file (as signalled by a leading BOM), I guess the lines of code should be code /after/ we've turned that from bytes into characters. But if the code is in Shift-JIS, as signalled by some kind of encoding declaration? Hmmmm.

-- Sean M. Burke [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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