Good job (anyway) keep the reports coming too, it is good to see that
things go forward.


+++ Marc Green [Fri, May 27, 2011 at 05:52:15PM -0400]:
> Hello all,
> I am sending my status report early because I will not be able to send it at
> the beginning of next week.
> Although one could not tell from the most recent
> commits<>I have pushed this past week, I
> have gotten a lot done. This is because I
> have found out what I have been doing is a colossal waste of time.
> More specifically, at the beginning of this week I was in the mindset that I
> needed to subclass Pod::Simple::Xhtml to modify it in order to resolve L<>
> directives to local links (as opposed to online links, as it does by
> default). So I went on my merry way, creating the module, tossing ideas back
> and forth about how to best achieve the desired result, until about 2 hours
> ago. I realized that it will be a pain pursuing my original plan (which was
> to use Pod::Simple::Search within my subclass of ::Xhtml in order to resolve
> the links). Consequently, I realized I need not subclass Xhtml to resolve
> links locally, the module itself provides methods to alter the URL of all
> links. It's embarrassing that I never thought to use said methods before,
> but oh well, the damage is done.
> Not only that, but I took on way too much when I was subclassing ::Xhtml.
> For some reason I thought it would be a great idea to scrap everything in
> Pod::Html and rewrite it using my subclass. I came to my senses today and
> realized I only need to have a drop in replacement for Pod::Html's pod
> parser and xhtml formatter. What a relief!
> But this week wasn't really a waste of time. Besides the obvious reason of
> finding a good way not to resolve links locally, I learned about the
> internals of Pod::Html much more (though not enough, yet). I cleaned out all
> of Pod::Html's old code, and started setting up to use ::Xhtml and ::Search.
> I also removed the --header feature of Pod::Html that was needlessly
> distracting me. I plan on adding it, in addition to other features I have
> removed, back, once I get the bare bones of the conversion to ::Xhtml done.
> I won't have a lot of time next week to work on this, (vacation :D), but
> when I get back I plan on, in no particular order:
> - using Pod::Simple::Search to resolve L<> directives
> - investigating how Pod::Html resolves other links (RFC links, perl.* links
> in verbatim text, etc)
> - write several test cases for Pod::Html, both to understand how it works
> and to have for when I convert it
> Thank you,
> Marc

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