
The only thing left to do with regards to Pod::Html is to have it reviewed
any of you would like to). Once that is done, that is, once all
suggestions, and warnings are considered and possibly acted upon, it will be
ready to be merged into the core.

I am happy to announce that I have made much progress on porting
Pod::Checker this week. I have made a list of all the errors that
Pod::Simple already checks for, and by comparing that to what Pod::Checker
additionally checks for, I can efficiently implement the rest. So that is
what I have been doing. There is a minor snag in one of the error checks,
the one that warns if there is any text after a =pod directive, because
Pod::Simple does not offer any way to access said text. To overcome this I
am adding such a feature to Pod::Simple::Blackbox, so I should resume
porting the error checks shortly.

Also, there is going to be a modification of my proposed timeline. I am
working on the third of five modules to port; the first of which is
completely done (Module::Build::PodParser), the second is essentially done
(Pod::Html), and the current one is progressing nicely (Pod::Checker). With
only three weeks until the suggested pencils down date (August 22), however,
I do not believe there is enough time to finish all five. I am going to work
with my mentors to create a realistic schedule that focuses on getting what
I have done merged without leaving unfinished code.

Thank you,

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