Hey everyone,

This is my weekly status update.

I have nothing new to report on Pod::Html except that I plan on doing some
commit squashing so the history is not so ugly.

On Pod::Checker, however, there is much to report. First off, to solve the
issue of it being a subclass of Pod::Parser, my mentors, rafl, and I decided
to make it its own dist. Also, rjbs advised to make Pod::Checker have-a
Pod::Simple, instead of being-a Pod::Simple, so future changes won't have to
worry about breaking the Pod::Simple interface. I will take his advice on

I have implemented a boat load of error/warning checks this week, starting
at 36 combined, now down to 7ish. There is a small quirk where some error
checks fail to check when below an unclosed =begin directive. It is a
sensible quirk, but I need to work it out in order to get the 7ish down to
7. Three of said error/warnings are proving to be difficult as they require
me to edit Pod::Simple::Blackbox, a file I would not mind ever opening, but
I may have to stick an ugly TODO comment on them, depending on how much time
I have.

I have added the pod_handler() feature to Pod::Simple that I briefly
mentioned in last week's status update, too.

I am currently working on error checks for L<> formatting codes, and if you
are curious you can read this week's meeting at
https://github.com/rjbs/TPF-GSoC-Pod/tree/master/irclogs which describes my
troubles in more detail.

For the upcoming week, I have quite a bit on my plate:
- implement different warning levels in Pod::Checker
- fix the unclosed =begin disable POD checks
- test the interface of Pod::Checker (e.g., $checker->idx(),
$checker->hyperlinks(), $checker->nodes(), etc)
- implement the rest of the error checks

I suppose it does not look like a lot, but it is.


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