Hello All,

    Dominik Seichter has not posted since 2014-04-13 [1].  Does anyone on
this list know if he is ok?  When he disappeared for a week or so I though
that he might be on vacation; but he's been gone for almost a month.

    There are several patches waiting to be merged (mine included).  Does
anyone else on this list of authority to commit changes to the sorceforge
podofo repository?

    I propose that if we do not hear from Dominik my the end of May, that
we consider forking (even if temporary) PoDoFo so that we can merge our
various changes and continue to move the project forwards.  I certainly
hope that this is not necessary though.  I hope that Dominik is ok and will
return to continue to guide/manage PoDoFo.

[1] http://sourceforge.net/p/podofo/mailman/message/32220953/
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