You can use -D_LIBCPP_ENABLE_CXX17_REMOVED_AUTO_PTR with gcc and maybe
other compilers have something similar.

But the best would be to replace auto_ptr with unique_ptr in podofo (and
move to git, ...).

On Wed, Dec 5, 2018 at 10:44 PM Olivier Mascia <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> Just an outsider view...
> Have the main contributors to the project finally made a decision about
> replacing std::auto_ptr by std::unique_ptr within PoDoFo source code and
> its public interfaces?
> std::unique_ptr has been introduced in the standard by C++11, and
> std::auto_ptr has been deprecated since.
> Then came C++14 and last year C++17 removed the deprecated std::auto_ptr.
> Projects using C++17 code need to patch PoDoFo source code and interfaces
> (by a replacing occurrences of std::auto_ptr by std::unique_ptr).  That is
> not a terrible inconvenience, I agree.
> Anyway, it probably would be fairly conservative to decide and declare
> that PoDoFo code relies on C++11 and requires a C++11 compliant compiler.
> Then it wouldn't be an issue to migrate the code to std::unique_ptr.  And
> to take care not to rely on anything else clearly deprecated by C++11, 14
> and 17.  Just a matter of looking forward instead of behind, I think.
> Are there really, in the eve of year 2019, users expecting to compile
> PoDoFo or use PoDoFo from C++ environments not meeting C++11 compliance, or
> at least the introduction of std::unique_ptr which had started to be
> supported by some compilers even before C++11 had turned standard?
> --
> Best Regards, Meilleures salutations, Met vriendelijke groeten,
> Olivier Mascia
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