> Le 6 déc. 2018 à 08:25, zyx <z...@gmx.us> a écrit :
> I'd remove the std::auto_ptr usage from the public
> API completely, and use, if needed, either of them based on the
> compiler being used (and what it offers) only in internal code. That
> would support both old and new C++ standards.

It wouldn't work. There is no point in having an option to compile internal 
code with (auto|unique)_ptr when interfaces would use unique_ptr. Because 
unique_ptr support would then be required for internal code anyway, so why 
would it need to insist on using auto_ptr in some places?  :)

The readme.html is probably wildly outdated:

> Installation with CMake
> PoDoFo has support for builds using CMake on all supported platforms. The 
> CMake build has been tested on:
>       • Visual C++ 9 Express Edition [Win32] ("Visual Studio 9 2008" target)
>       • Visual C++ 8 Express Edition [Win32] ("Visual Studio 8 2005" target) 
> (needs additional setup)
>       • Visual C++ 8 Express +NMake [Win32] ("NMake Makefiles" target) (needs 
> additional setup)
>       • MinGW with GCC 3.4.2 [Win32] ("MinGW Makefiles" target)
>       • gcc 3.3.5 [Linux: Debian 3.1] ("Unix Makefiles" target)
>       • gcc 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 [Linux: Debian 4.0] ("Unix Makefiles" target)
>       • gcc 4.0 [Mac OS X 10.4.10] ("Unix Makefiles" target)

For Windows for instance, I don't even know, except maybe on an old dusty CD 
out from the attic, where anybody might find a Visual C++ 9 (or 8!) and an OS 
in good order to run it, build PoDoFo, and develop, build, test, deploy any 
valuable application using it, with these outdated tools.  On the computer-era 
timeline, I'm a rather old man, born in the early 60', but believe me or not, I 
have no nostalgia of the compiler tools we used by the end of the 20th century. 
Not even those used more than a decade ago.

I'm NOT advocating to use cutting-edge C++ new goodies. Just to think about 
deciding, setting in stone, that for now and some yet undefined future, PoDoFo 
is based on C+11, a stable reasonable, old-enough, standard basis. So that any 
line of code inside PoDoFo (and that includes its 'public' interfaces) could 
make use of any language feature supported by C++11, when really appropriate to.

Switching from auto_ptr to unique_ptr would be more than enough as a valuable 
first step in that direction.


Best Regards, Meilleures salutations, Met vriendelijke groeten,
Olivier Mascia

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