run() only returns when all sessions have died.
A session dies when there is nothing left for it to process; an alias doesnt
keep it alive when the only thing keeping every session alive is an alias.

On 10/25/06, Tom Lanyon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi All,

Having a problem with a small app I was fiddling with.

I have ASSERT_DEFAULT and TRACE_DEFAULT on and I can see all my sessions
being created,
and at the end of the test script I call $poe_kernel->run(), however I'm
receiving a
"POE::Kernel's run() method was never called".

To debug, I've removed all processing code from the application and
basically left it
at just creating sessions and then calling $poe_kernel->run(). In this
form, I no longer
receive the 'run method was never called' error however the script just
continues after
run() is called.

It was my understanding that run() would never return and that a POE app
will only end
once all sessions have nothing left to do. So, when all my sessions have
aliases, should
it not just sit there until I kill it?

Mildly confused,

Tom Lanyon

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