> >Are you sure that you don't have any system property that points to
> parser?
> I surely havent set anything.
> >Are you sure that you don't have other parsers in the /jre/lib/ext
> directory?
> Absolutely .. given the number of things i work on simultaneously, i make
it a
> point to keep my classpath and ext directory clean ... one of the reasons
why i
> was not happy to copy files to the endoresed dir.

Download of JDK is 37% here...

Try this:
in the tools/cents/forrest.cent/xbuild.xml file, change the line

      <arg value="-uWARN"/>

to read

      <arg value="-uINFO"/>

It will spit out more indormation of what is going on.

Please try it and see if we can understand the reason of the error.

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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