Hi All,

We (HSLF developers) are searching for good object model to work with the 
character and paragraph styles.
It would be good to discuss a possible architecture and know your opinions,
before we settle. Working with text is a key feature of a PowerPoint API and 
this discussion won't harm. :))

A possible solution to handle character styles is to use 
java.text.AttributedString, a standard Java class
which is meant for working with format runs in Java2D. 

Use cases may look as follows:

(a) Create a text box and set character format:

org.apache.poi.hslf.model.TextRun txrun = ...; //HSLF object which represents a 
run of text in a powerpoint document

String text = "Hello, World";

AttributedString str = txrun.getCharacterStyle();

str.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FAMILY, "Arial"); //set the font family to the 
entire string
str.addAttribute(TextAttribute.SIZE, new Float(32), 0, 5); //set the font size 
to a a subrange
str.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FOREGROUND, Color.red, 3, 6);//set the font 
color to a a subrange

(b) For a text run read format runs or get attributes at the specified position:

org.apache.poi.hslf.model.TextRun txrun = ...;
String text = txrun.getText();
AttributedString str = txrun.getCharacterStyle();

        //iterate over format runs

        AttributedCharacterIterator it = str.getIterator();

        int index = 0;
        while (index < it.getEndIndex()) {
            inr runLimit = it.getRunLimit();            
            Map attrs = it.getAttributes();
            String fragment = text.substring(index , runLimit);
            System.out.println("[" + fragment + "]: "+ attrs);

            index = runLimit;

  //get format attributes at the specified position:

        Map attr = it.getAttributes();
        System.out.println("attributes at position 8: " + attr);

 Advantages of this approach:

 - there are lots of docs on Java2D and people can use their previous experience
 or read recommended books to learn more how to use java.text.AttributedString.

 - This part of HSLF becomes compatible with Java graphics.
Users can use the AttributedString object to paint the string using 

Graphics2D.drawString(AttributedCharacterIterator iterator, float x, float y) 
should output something similar to what you see in PowerPoint.

 - We don't need any special objects to handle stylings. (Currently we
 have RichTextRun object with getters and setters for font name, font
 size, bold/italic/underline, etc). All is done via the standard methods
 of java.text.AttributedString.

 - My main concern is that the exposing of AttributedString may not be 
Also I'm not sure if this approach will fit for working with paragraph styles.

I think that the API to work with paragraph styles should be symmetrical, i.e.
set paragraph attributes via AttributedString:

 AttributedString str = txrun.getParagraphStyle();
 //do paragraph styling

 So, I would like to hear you comments. Also, If anyone knows a good
 alternative to the suggested architecture - please share your

Yegor Kozlov

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